Uncountable Nouns W-Z

W definition example sentence
warmth the state, or the feeling, of mild heat We lay on the sand feeling the warmth of the sun on our bodies.
water a clear liquid that we have to drink Is the water here safe to drink?
wealth money and other valuable things His only goal in life was to accumulate more and more wealth.
weather local conditions, incl. temperature and rainfall The weather here is always beautiful in spring.
weight how heavy a person or an object is If I eat too much, I'll start putting on weight.
welfare the health and well-being of people or animals A government's main responsibility is the welfare of its people.
wheat a grain that's used for making bread Every year we export millions of tons of wheat.
whiskey a strong alcoholic drink How many glasses of whiskey did you drink?
width the distance from one side to the other The pool's length is 100 metres, and the width is 20 metres.
wildlife animals and other living things in their natural habitats Do you think shooting wildlife should be called a sport?
wine an alcoholic drink made from grapes Shall we have a bottle of wine with our meal?
wisdom knowledge of life that's gained from experience There was a lot of wisdom in what our grandmother said.
wood the hard material in trees Is Jenny's new dining table made of wood?
wool thick hair that grows on sheep How much wool grows on a sheep in one year?
work a job done for money, or any productive activity Try to find work doing something you love doing.
yeast a fungus used to make bread, wine and beer If you don't add yeast to the dough, the bread won't rise.
yoga a system of techniques for body and mind control Yoga has been practised in India for thousands of years.
youth the time, or the state, of being young Is it better to spend one's youth travelling or studying?
zinc a chemical element (symbol Zn) Zinc is an important trace element, especially for men.
zoology the scientific study of animals Zoology is one of the most interesting branches of biology.