Homophones - Plurals/3rd Person

Many books teach the pronunciation of third person "s" verb forms (gets /s/, needs /z/, chooses /Iz/) and regular plurals (bats /s/, beds /z/, choices /Iz/), but few point out that the rules for which of the three sounds you need are exactly the same in both cases. One way of making them easy to remember is to match words with "s" ending to words that sound the same. Below is a list of such words for plurals and third person split into /s/ endings and /z/ endings (sadly we found no /Iz/ endings).

Homophones with /s/ sound for plural/3rd person
apps / apse
cops / copse
flecks / flex
hurts / hertz
lacks / lax
laps / lapse
links / lynx
minks / minx
sacks / sax
tacks / tax
tucks / tux
whacks / wax

Homophones with /z/ sound for plural/3rd person
bays / baize
boos / booze
brays / braise
brews / bruise
brows / browse
chews / choose
claws / clause
cores / cause
crews / cruise
C's seas sees / seize
days / daze
does (= female deers) / doze
E's / ease
frees / freeze
greys / graze
G's / jeez
gays / gaze
gores / gauze
hoes / hose
hows / house (verb)
knows / nose
lays / laze
paws pours / pause
pleas / please
pores pours / pause
prays preys / praise
pries / prise prize
pros / prose
rays / raise raze
roads / Rhodes
roes rows / rose
ryes / rise
seas sees / seize
sighs / size
T's teas tees / tease
U's / use (verb)
wees / wheeze
whys Ys / wise