English Learning Tools

This page offers selected daily and weekly resources that you can access online or by email—ideal for English language study.

Daily Learning

Idiom of the DayRSS feed icon
A new idiom every day, with meaning, example sentences, notes and quick quiz

Slang of the Day RSS feed icon
A new slang term every day, with meaning, sample sentences and quick quiz

Phrasal Verb of the Day RSS feed icon
A new phrasal verb every day, with definition, example sentences, notes and quick quiz

Saying of the Day RSS feed icon
A new saying every day, with explanation, notes and quick quiz

Word of the Day
Direct to your email box, a new word every day with example sentences

Test your English FREE online! Do as many questions as you like. Get the answer after each question.

Weekly Learning

This Week in History speaker icon
New every Monday, the story of something that happened this week in the past. Listen and do the quiz.

Weekly News speaker icon
New every Tuesday, an item of current news. Listen and do the exercises.

7 Secrets for ESL Learners
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