Conversation Worksheets about Travel

The ESL Worksheets and teacher's notes on this page are in PDF format. You are free to download, print and photocopy them unmodified for classroom use.

PDF iconUp in the Air | Teacher's Notes
A topical lesson about flying and the security risks it poses these days. Vocabulary is practised through a sequencing exercise. Students can also develop their fluency through discussion questions such as 'What changes do you think need to be made to air travel security measures in order to reduce the terrorist threat?'

PDF iconTransports of Delight? | Teacher's Notes
A worksheet about different forms of transportation. Topic-related vocabulary is brainstormed and associated phrases are practised in a gap-fill exercise. Students practise their fluency with interesting discussion questions (e.g. "At what age should people stop driving for good?")

PDF iconTourism & Holidays | Teacher's Notes
An ever-popular topic among students of all levels. This lesson focuses on developing fluency through a range of discussion questions, such as "How important is it for young people to visit other countries?"