British American Spelling: Quiz 4

These quizzes are based on our list of British and American Spellings. You can do this quiz online or print it on paper.

If the word in bold is in British spelling choose British, but if it's in American spelling choose American:

1. Can you fulfill the university's entry requirements?

British American
a) British b) American

2. Have you ever seen one of those old analogue computers?

British American
a) British b) American

3. I can't find my pajamas.

British American
a) British b) American

4. Her speciality is criminal law.

British American
a) British b) American

5. She was hired under false pretences and forced into the sex trade.

British American
a) British b) American

6. Do you think a grief counselor could help them?

British American
a) British b) American

7. I spent hours every day practicing the guitar.

British American
a) British b) American

8. The food I grew up on will always be my favourite.

British American
a) British b) American

9. Are you sure you feel all right?

British American
a) British b) American

10. Officers were awarded for valor, but soldiers who did the fighting got nothing.

British American
a) British b) American

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