British American Spelling: Quiz 2

These quizzes are based on our list of British and American Spellings. You can do this quiz online or print it on paper.

If the word in bold is in British spelling choose British, but if it's in American spelling choose American:

1. They've travelled all over the world since retiring.

British American
a) British b) American

2. You'd need a hunting license to shoot deer.

British American
a) British b) American

3. We have a special English program for foreign students.

British American
a) British b) American

4. We had a neighbourhood street party on New Year's Day.

British American
a) British b) American

5. The police found her hair fibers on his clothing.

British American
a) British b) American

6. That old pizza in the fridge has mould on it!

British American
a) British b) American

7. Do you want plain yogurt or flavored yogurt?

British American
a) British b) American

8. You realize what this means, don't you?

British American
a) British b) American

9. Our government spends far too much on weapons and defence.

British American
a) British b) American

10. Unions and the labour movement forced companies to pay workers better wages.

British American
a) British b) American

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