British American Spelling: Quiz 1

These quizzes are based on our list of British and American Spellings. You can do this quiz online or print it on paper.

If the word in bold is in British spelling choose British, but if it's in American spelling choose American:

1. Have you ever been to the Kennedy Space Center?

British American
a) British b) American

2. Can I have a litre of milk, please?

British American
a) British b) American

3. If you want to lose weight, stop eating so many donuts.

British American
a) British b) American

4. He was wearing black jeans and a grey shirt.

British American
a) British b) American

5. She went from acting in the theatre to working in films.

British American
a) British b) American

6. Jamaican runners usually win the 100 meter finals.

British American
a) British b) American

7. You know how to change a tyre, don't you?

British American
a) British b) American

8. Don't forget all the favors he's done for you in the past.

British American
a) British b) American

9. All the houses in the estate are the same color.

British American
a) British b) American

10. She said they sent us a bank cheque last week.

British American
a) British b) American

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