s anyone getting students involved in finding and sharing content?

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s anyone getting students involved in finding and sharing content?

Post by terryfrd »

some time, but I did do 30 years in Thailand, Malaysia and the US (during my MA years), so I'm pretty sure I could make this work.

Students spend a lot of free time online and I would encourage them to do at least some of it in English. I would suggest that they share short video clips of English-language content they find interesting or perhaps they don't fully understand. A class Facebook page might work for this, but you might have a better idea. (Discord perhaps?)

My current focus in on multiplayer video games and this seems ideal. I recently posted a short video with ideas on what students could share. https://youtu.be/G55e_7g6YqI I've also started posting daily sharable video clips https://www.facebook.com/groups/RealEnglishForGamers , but I would want my students to participate once they have the idea.

Does this seem practical for you? Any ideas on how to do this more efficiently?

Incidentally, if anyone is interested in helping their students use their out-of-class video gaming time more productively, I have a fairly comprehensive guide here: https://realenglishforgamers.com/for-teachers/
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