Grandomastery - thousands of speaking tasks for ESL teachers (totally free)

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Grandomastery - thousands of speaking tasks for ESL teachers (totally free)

Post by RoroyAlexandre »

Dear colleagues! Let me introduce you to - a free platform that generates thousands of speaking activities for different levels and makes it easy for ESL teachers to use them fragmentally or fill the whole class with randomized tasks from Grandomastery, especially for speaking clubs. There are just two buttons - RANDOM and CYCLE to generate a wide and growing range of activities. The resource is absolutely free and will remain free. {-;
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Re: Grandomastery - thousands of speaking tasks for ESL teachers (totally free)

Post by Allhailsail »

It was on' website where I submitted my game that I learned about grandomastery. I am not a big fan of websites, apps, and other internet-based resources, since our classroom doesn't have a reliable internet connection, so I hope the grandomastery team produces a paper-based version. By looking at their Instagram, I saw they created cubes with abstractions. There are probably just paper cubes and a set of stickers with abstract nouns. Perhaps it would be better to implement multilateral elements made of plastic instead of 6 sides. After sending them a message via the Grandomastery website regarding their plans to move to offline, they responded that some activities would be available both online and offline, but random panorama and random magnets would probably be difficult to implement offline due to their interactivity.
It might be true, or we might fix our internet problem and have an online version of our boardgame, who knows? Does there seem to be a demand for offline resources apart from textbooks?
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