Three gerunds in a row? Infinitive after gerunds?

English grammar questions, answered by Alan

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Three gerunds in a row? Infinitive after gerunds?

Post by Howtosay »

Hello, Alan! I've been trying to search for detailed information about gerunds, have been riewing many grammar books, but I coldn't. I've found that two gerunds in a row are possible, example "What would you say to someone considering visiting Antarctica?" And about "Avoid imagining denying doing wrong"? Is it correct to say? And one more question is: Is it correct to say "What would you say to someone considering to visit Antarctica?" If my question requires too long explanation, could you please recommend me sources where I can check it? Thank you!!!
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Re: Three gerunds in a row? Infinitive after gerunds?

Post by Alan »

All of the examples you cite are possible, and there are no specific rules as to the number of gerunds that may be used in sequence, nor any books of which I am aware that deal specifically with this topic.

The main combination that natives tend to avoid is 'during -ing'. Other than that, provided a gerund is the grammatically option, it is likely to be, at least, structurally acceptable.