Well Spoken - My app to improve your English

Members help members on grammar, vocab, pronunciation...

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Well Spoken - My app to improve your English

Post by chrisrutkowski »

Hello, I'd like to share my mobile app with you. I already have 8000 downloads and awesome feedback from all around the world.

📲 https://well-spoken.app (for free, developed by me)

This project initially was my personal self-improvement app, but at some point, I realised it's too good to keep it just for myself.

Once you open the app you will find two main sections:

1. Learn - I cherry-picked a few thousand interesting and lesser-known English 🇬🇧 vocabulary. Whatever you like, you add to your learning collections. You can also do "search? for specific entries.

2. Challenges - mini-games like ABCD quiz or spelling where you exercise your knowledge about words in your learning collections. If you solve the challenge correctly it reappears less and less often (days -> weeks -> months etc), but if you give an incorrect answer, the challenge reappears very shortly to give you more opportunity to memorise the word.

I would really appreciate constructive feedback and 5 stars in stores. It's really hard to compete against big brands with a lot of cash for marketing, that's why I'm asking you for help, Sincerely, thank you!

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